On June 4, during the Summer Faculty Institute, I will moderate it again, but this time on a tighter schedule (only 30 minutes). The live stream will be available on Ustream: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/ud-workshops
This TinyURL will point to this workshop gateway page (this page you're reading right now):
I had to use a date stamp at the end because I used /smpractices before for my dry run... A downside of URL shortening...
Please monitor the #smpractices hashtag on my Twitter account (@mathplourde) for more details. Since this will be a one man show, I probably will not be able to monitor Twitter during the presentation but will try to take pauses to discuss when appropriate. I will also prepare tweetbites in advance using SocialOomph to send automated timely updates during the presentation.
As I work on which practices to showcase and on the flow of the presentation, I will edit this blog post to add links and embeds to specific resources.
6-4-2010-SM Web20 Practices
View more presentations from Mathieu Plourde.
Session Support Links
- Ustream (Live Video) Channel: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/ud-workshops
- #smpractices hashtag search on Twitter: http://search.twitter.com/search?q=smpractices
- #smpractices search on TwitterFall: http://twitterfall.com/?trend=%23smpractices%21%231F3547
- Mathieu's Twitter account: http://twitter.com/mathplourde
- List of all practices on Wallwisher: http://www.wallwisher.com/wall/ws8lLJK63z
- TwHistory, Twitter Reenactments: http://twhistory.org/
- Learning activity in Second Life for diagnosing and treating virtual patients (Imperial College London): http://www.healthwithbyte.net/2008/08/game-based-learning-for-virtual_13.html
- Ning vs. Learning Management Systems: http://connecting2theworld.blogspot.com/2009/02/ning-vs-learning-management-systems-lms.html
- Use of Blogs in IT Applications in Marketing Class: http://ats.udel.edu/community/node/615
- Googles, Tweets, and Pods: Social Media and the Millennial Learning: http://anythinginstructional.blogspot.com/2009/06/googles-tweets-and-pods-social-media.html
- The Twitter Experiment at UT Dallas: http://www.utdallas.edu/~mar046000/usweb/twitterconclusions.htm
- Lynnette Claire on Student Entrepreneurship Videos: http://itech.ups.edu/showcase/lynette-claire-film
- Tutoring via Instant Messaging: http://leap.ubc.ca/get-study-help/online-tutoring-how-tos/
- Professor Textblaster: http://chronicle.com/blogPost/Professor-Textblaster/21451
- Course Twitter Feed: http://www.joshuadanish.com/courses/course-twitter-feed/
- Class Delicious Tag in Computer Science: http://delicious.com/tag/cisc367ud
- 7th Grader Personal Learning Environment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEls3tq5wIY
- Richard Gordon- Supplementing Sakai to Increase Student Engagement: http://udcapture.udel.edu/events/sfi2010/Presentation%20Recordings/Effective%20Instruction%20Online/?t=a4dfec06ffc65dc9ca096357579d6a87
For me, as a teacher, it turned out to be the best environment, by a mile. More and better interaction. It may not provide the easiest way to manage some chores, though, as culling assignments and integrating graded activities is not as easy as it is in a customized [LMS]. Many students were skeptical at first. Most liked it. Some were overwhelmed by the amount of information; some were uneasy with the friends/colleagues mix. I'll very probably use it again next year (keep in mind that this is for an eMarketing [graduate] course -- my assessment is less enthusiastic for support to regular courses).Professor Gauvin also uses Dropbox to share files and have students drop their assignments.
- Bookmarks tagged with SMPracticesTraining on Delicious: http://delicious.com/mathplourde/SMPracticesTraining